Tuesday 9 June 2009

Productive Femininity: Leslie Salzinger, Joan Acker

I did not read Salzinger for my dissertation, although i read her during undergrad. it would have been fruitful to revisit but now is ok, it is the self evolving yet again.

Panoptimex------productive femininity
Ciudad Juarez -- Salzinger interviews women in this TV assemblage factory! [note: intersections with production of producers of visual media and.....carnage]
"...the personal economy is political"-----*what sort of image would this phrase accompany****

Even more embarrassing is that i omitted Joan Acker in the diss...her article "Gender, Capitalism and Globalization" proves useful for introduction of elementary concepts of gendered labor and the global/local conundrum as pertaining to H&N in EMPIRE.
and finally what is the distinction between a woman selling her body, not her labor?

Love the bits toward the end in Acker's section on Gendered Images in sectors of labor and capital------ can we get some visual examples of this? would Naomi herself provide some of this: hologram on a podium in a YSL campaign
"use of women as a labor resource and gendered images as justifications and guides in constructing that labor force is a complex process, as Salzinger shows in the case of export-processing on Mexico's northern border."

They are always going to rebel and you, the Man, will have to expend some energy to control control control. penalize, don't let them organize.